Why do I need to continue to carry a life insurance plan?

Ensuring that you are adequately covered by insurance should be a priority and necessity for all people in the Columbia, MD area. As you are looking to improve your personal insurance plan and coverage, you need to consider your needs for a full life insurance plan. There are many reasons why you need to continue to carry a full life insurance plan at all times. 

Ensure Dependents Have Coverage

A great reason to have a full life insurance plan is to ensure your dependents always have support. If you have kids, a spouse, or others who depend on you as a source of financial support, ensuring they continue to have this support needs to be a priority. If you have a life insurance plan at all times, you will know that they have this coverage in case you pass away. This can provide peace of mind as well knowing this aspect of their lives is accounted for. 

Provide Support for End-of-Life Expenses

If you do not have dependents, it would still be helpful to have a full life insurance plan at all times. When you are covered with a proper life insurance plan, it can be built to cover any end-of-life costs you may incur. This includes funeral and burial expenses and covers past debts and medical costs. This can help alleviate financial strain for your loved ones if you pass away. 

You should always ensure you are insured with a full life insurance plan. When looking for this coverage in the Columbia, MD area, you can call our team with the HBW Insurance Group. Our team with the HBW Insurance Group can offer any guidance you need to build a plan. 

Does Health Insurance Ever Cover Dentistry in Catonsville, MD

As important as dental health is, it’s not often included with your health insurance. For most health insurance policies in Catonsville, MD, dental insurance is a separate policy with its own stipulations. The HBW Insurance Group offers health insurance and a dental insurance component, so you can choose the coverage types that work best for you and your family. Here are some things to consider regarding whether health insurance will cover dentistry.

Consider Dedicated Dental Insurance Coverage

In most cases, it’s a good idea to obtain dedicated dental insurance rather than rely on your health insurance policy for routine dental care. While health insurance can sometimes help with specific types of dental work or dental situations, it cannot help with preventative dentistry, cleanings, checkups, fillings, and other strictly dental-related procedures.

Understand What Your Health Insurance Considers as Medically Necessary

Health insurance can sometimes cover dental work in cases where the dental work falls under the category of medically necessary. For example, some surgeries, extractions, treatments, or other dental procedures may become required if a doctor deems those procedures as a medical necessity for your overall health or necessary before other medical procedures can go forward.

Check on the Dental Coverage for Children

Health insurance plans for children must also include dental services. So, for someone under 18, their health insurance coverage may also include access to dental care. Nevertheless, you should never assume this and should look closely at what your child’s health insurance coverage entails.

Look at Health Insurance and Dentistry by Provider

Different health insurance providers will have different qualifications concerning whether any form of dentistry will fall under the purview of health insurance. As it applies to dental work, you should ask questions and ensure you understand what your health insurance covers. To learn more about health insurance and dental insurance in Catonsville, MD, contact the HBW Insurance Group today.

Here’s Why Flood Insurance is so Crucial for Families

Floods are some of the most destructive forces on earth. A flood is sometimes called an “Act of God” because the devastation can be immense. Families must understand that their standard homeowner’s insurance may not cover flood damage. However, you can take out separate flood insurance policies. If your family resides in or near Catonsville, MD, please get in touch with the HBW Insurance Group to discuss policy options.

Safeguard Your Wealth With Flood Insurance

For many families, their most valuable single asset is their home. A house can easily be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. If your home is destroyed during a flood, and you don’t have the right insurance coverage, you could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. This could quickly push your family into dire straits.

Families may also be left without a roof over their heads after flooding occurs. This could disrupt your personal life and take a heavy toll on your loved ones. If you have flood insurance coverage, you may receive enough money to pay for most of the damage and to find shelter in the near term. This can greatly improve the quality of life of everyone in your household.

If you should lose your home to a flood and you don’t have flood insurance, it’ll cause a lot more than short-term disruptions. You may also have lost the most valuable asset in your retirement nest egg. This could make retiring difficult, if not impossible. Further, you may have to forgo saving for your children’s college education.

Ultimately, it is crucial for families to take out flood insurance policies. Even if you should never experience a flood, this insurance can provide peace of mind. Want to learn more about flood insurance policies? Stop by HBW Insurance Group, serving Catonsville, MD, and beyond.

How Much Condo Insurance Do I Need?

Your condominium is likely one of your most significant investments, so protecting that investment is critical. Whether the condo is your primary residence or a vacation home, you need insurance coverage to guard against damage from fire, theft, or other unforeseen causes. Our team at HBW Insurance Group, serving the Catonsville, MD area, will work with you to structure the coverage that best meets your needs.

Condo Insurance Considerations

No two condos are alike, and neither are their needs for insurance coverage. The value of your condo insurance will depend on the types of coverage you choose, the insured limits, and deductibles.

  • Building Property – Your insured amount will depend on the condo’s value and whether your association’s coverage is All-In or Bare Wall. All-in means the association is responsible for the building structure and the fixtures attached to the interior walls, such as cabinets and lighting. Bare Walls means they cover only the building structure. You are responsible for insuring the interior fixtures.
  • Personal Property – Coverage for your furniture, flooring, appliances, clothing, and other personal items, including jewelry, artwork, or collectibles.
  • Personal Liability – Covers legal fees and medical bills if someone is injured while in your unit. Depending on your risk tolerance, consider increasing this above the policy minimums.
  • Additional Living Expenses or Loss-of-Use – Pays your additional living expenses if you must stay elsewhere while repairs occur.
  • Loss assessment coverage – Protects against charges you may face for shortfalls in the association’s coverage or new assessment.

Working with HBW Insurance Group

Each client has unique condo insurance needs. HBW Insurance Group, proudly serving the Catonsville, MD area, can help you obtain a policy to protect your home and family against unforeseen events. Call or stop by today to discuss your condo insurance options.

Five Things Renters Insurance Won’t Cover

Renters insurance protects your belongings from covered losses. However, it won’t cover damage to your apartment or rented property. Understanding what each policy will or won’t cover is important before deciding which one is best for you. The team at HBW Insurance Group in Catonsville, MD can help you understand how your current or prospective renters insurance policy works.

Renters Insurance Exclusions

You may wonder what renters insurance won’t pay for. Here are a few examples excluded by most policies:

  1. It generally doesn’t cover earthquakes, sinkholes, floods, or earthquakes. These events often leave behind catastrophic damage and require separate coverage.
  2. Renters insurance won’t cover preventable pest problems, such as bed bugs and other excluded pests, as the policy specifies. So, it’s important to understand your rights as a renter. For example, your landlord is responsible for preventing infestations by rats and mice.
  3. If your roommate isn’t named in the policy, your renters insurance won’t cover their belongings. Therefore, each tenant needs to invest in separate coverage.
  4. Most renter’s insurance policies won’t cover acts of terrorism. The term can apply to events specific to a small or large area. To better understand what events are categorized as terrorism, make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable insurance agents.
  5. If you or your pet accidentally damage your belongings, your renter’s insurance typically won’t pay for it. For example, if your cat scratches the side of your couch or your dog chews the leg of an expensive table, you’ll probably pay for the repairs out of your own bank account. The same goes for pet-soiled carpets.

Learn More About Renters Insurance in Catonsville, MD 

If you want to know what renters insurance covers, contact an HBW Insurance Group agent. Contact us today to set up an appointment for a free quote or to review your existing policy for potential gaps.

The Importance of Life Insurance for Young Adults

It’s easy to put off buying life insurance when you’re young and healthy in Catonsville, MD. However, thinking ahead and planning for your financial future is essential, especially if you have loved ones you want to protect.HBW Insurance Group explains why you shouldn’t wait.

Protect Your Loved Ones

A life insurance policy provides a one-time payment to your beneficiaries in case of your death. This money can assist in paying for expenses related to your funeral, debts, and household bills. This insurance is helpful if your spouse or family depends on your income. By opting for life insurance, you can ensure that your loved ones receive financial assistance during a difficult period.

Secure Your Future

Life insurance does more than protect your family’s finances after you pass away. It includes a savings feature that can also help secure your future. You can build cash value over time with certain policies. This value can be borrowed against or used to increase your retirement income. It’s particularly advantageous if you have limited savings and must raise your money long-term.

Coverage Options

It’s essential to check the available options to choose the right life insurance. Term life insurance offers temporary coverage for a particular period, while permanent life insurance provides lifelong protection. A trustworthy insurance agent can guide you through the various coverage options, helping you select the most suitable policy based on your budget and needs.

Life insurance provides you and your loved ones peace of mind and financial protection. By exploring your coverage options and purchasing a policy now, you can protect your future and rest easy knowing that your finances are safe in case of the unexpected. HBW Insurance Group proudly serves Catonsville, MD – so contact us today!

Do you want a PPO or an HMO for your health insurance?

In Catonsville, MD, HBW Insurance Group offers medical insurance to the larger metropolitan area, but we provide many choices for your health insurance. When shopping for medical insurance, your options include health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs). Which would you prefer?

How HMOs Work

HMOs typically offer lower premiums, so you pay less monthly, but they offer a small provider network and less freedom to choose your own doctor or treatments. You’ll need to pick one primary care physician (PCP) and go to that doctor regularly. HMOs require you to obtain a referral from your PCP before visiting a specialist.

An HMO plan focuses on preventative care and coordinating your treatments. With an HMO, you’ll have limited or no out-of-network coverage.

How PPOs Work

PPOs offer more extensive provider networks. You get greater freedom of choice with one of these plans. Although you still need to request permission through a referral for most tests and medical procedures. You don’t typically need a referral to see a specialist, though. A PPO’s premiums cost a little more monthly, but you will have out-of-network services.

Making Your Decision

Because HBW Insurance Group offers many choices, we recommend you phone or email us for an insurance consultation. We serve the Catonsville, MD area with both options so that you can choose an HMO or a PPO.

It depends on whether you want to spend a little less on monthly premiums or more choices in medical care. Contact us today to start your interview and purchase health insurance that can help protect you. Today’s plans offer preventative care and treatment for medical issues; let us help you choose.

Why Flood Insurance Is So Important

When you own a home, you need many types of coverage to protect it and yourself. It’s essential to ensure you have a flood insurance policy as part of that protection. It protects against several types of flooding, so you’re well protected against these damaging disasters. If you don’t have flood insurance, the cost of repairs or rebuilding could be overwhelming. To protect yourself against floods, call us at HBW Insurance Group in Catonsville, MD.

Flood Insurance and Home Insurance

There are a lot of people who believe that their home insurance will protect them from floods. However, home insurance doesn’t cover these disasters. It’s essential to have both a home policy and a flood policy to protect you against a wide range of disasters and other events. When you have flood insurance, it can pay for the expensive repairs that floods often cause. The home may need to be rebuilt in some cases of flooding, and the policy can pay for that too. You aren’t well protected from disasters if you don’t have it yet. 

The National Flood Insurance Program

FEMA backs flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program. It’s a solid program that is guaranteed and funded by the government. The Program sets the price for flood insurance. This allows you to get flood insurance at the same price, regardless of where you get it. This insurance is a good idea for all homeowners, and it’s a trustworthy insurance product.

Get Your Flood Insurance Policy

As a homeowner, ensuring you have the right insurance policies to protect your finances is essential. If you don’t have flood insurance yet, it’s time to call us at HBW Insurance Group in Catonsville, MD, to find out more. 


Condo Insurance: Tips for Choosing the Best Insurance Provider

Condo insurance is a valuable investment that covers theft, destruction, or damage to your property. If you plan to get condo insurance, choosing the right insurer is critical to ensuring you get what you deserve.

Here are three helpful tips when selecting the best condo insurance provider in Catonsville, MD.

Check Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can help you understand insurance more. For more details, visit the company’s website and the customer reviews section. You can also use Google, Yelp, and other social platforms which provide company reviews. If many customers complain about the services of that condo insurer, avoid them to avoid becoming a victim.

Check the Specific Policies Offered

Condo insurance firms in Catonsville, MD, offer varying policies to clients. You should ensure the specific type of coverage you need is offered by the insurer. For instance, if your condo is located in a high-crime area, you must ensure the insurer covers theft-related causes in its condo insurance.

Ask questions before taking the insurance and check the terms and conditions to make an informed decision. An HBR Insurance Group agent will explain the available options to help you make an informed decision.

Check the Premiums

Each condo insurance firm offers unique quotes based on the exact location of your condo, your house features, and the risks involved. Compare the different quotes offered by condo insurance to get the most suitable for your budget. However, don’t rush to accept the least expensive offer without checking the coverage involved. Do your research, and check for discounts and other offers which could significantly lower your premiums.

Contact Us Today

Condo insurance helps protect your property and belongings in case of damage, theft, or fire. HBW Insurance Group is committed to helping our clients in Catonsville, MD choose the right condo insurance for their needs.

If you need condo insurance and don’t know where to start, contact us today for advice on the right policy. We will review your needs, house features, and help you choose the ideal plan.

The Pros and Cons of Adding a Roommate to Your Renters Insurance Policy

One of the questions that we at HBW Insurance Group, serving the greater Catonsville, MD area, are often asked is whether you can add a roommate to your renters’ insurance policy. Once we say that you can add a roommate to your policy, we are asked about the pros and cons of adding a roommate to your renters’ insurance policy. Read on to learn some of those pros and cons. 

The Cons of Adding a Roommate to Your Renters Insurance Policy

One of the most significant downsides to adding a roommate to your renters’ insurance policy is that you now have to recalculate your policy limits to ensure it meets the coverage level needed for you and your roommate. If you are added to an existing policy, you have no control over ensuring the policy is paid for or changing the policy limits as you see fit. 

The Pros of Adding a Roommate to Your Renters Insurance Policy

Adding a roommate to your renters’ insurance policy has many benefits, with one of the biggest being the price. When you share a policy, the cost of splitting a policy is generally cheaper than each roommate buying their own policy. Sharing a policy makes sense for those on a tight budget. 

There are pros and cons to adding a roommate to your renters’ insurance. Still, as a general rule of thumb, most insurance professionals recommend maintaining separate renters’ insurance policies so you know exactly what is covered and what is not covered regarding your policy and so you have complete control over your own policy limits. If you want to purchase a renters insurance policy in the greater Catonsville, MD area, please contact us at HBW Insurance Group to learn more.