Does Health Insurance Ever Cover Dentistry in Catonsville, MD

As important as dental health is, it’s not often included with your health insurance. For most health insurance policies in Catonsville, MD, dental insurance is a separate policy with its own stipulations. The HBW Insurance Group offers health insurance and a dental insurance component, so you can choose the coverage types that work best for you and your family. Here are some things to consider regarding whether health insurance will cover dentistry.

Consider Dedicated Dental Insurance Coverage

In most cases, it’s a good idea to obtain dedicated dental insurance rather than rely on your health insurance policy for routine dental care. While health insurance can sometimes help with specific types of dental work or dental situations, it cannot help with preventative dentistry, cleanings, checkups, fillings, and other strictly dental-related procedures.

Understand What Your Health Insurance Considers as Medically Necessary

Health insurance can sometimes cover dental work in cases where the dental work falls under the category of medically necessary. For example, some surgeries, extractions, treatments, or other dental procedures may become required if a doctor deems those procedures as a medical necessity for your overall health or necessary before other medical procedures can go forward.

Check on the Dental Coverage for Children

Health insurance plans for children must also include dental services. So, for someone under 18, their health insurance coverage may also include access to dental care. Nevertheless, you should never assume this and should look closely at what your child’s health insurance coverage entails.

Look at Health Insurance and Dentistry by Provider

Different health insurance providers will have different qualifications concerning whether any form of dentistry will fall under the purview of health insurance. As it applies to dental work, you should ask questions and ensure you understand what your health insurance covers. To learn more about health insurance and dental insurance in Catonsville, MD, contact the HBW Insurance Group today.